Our valued members
The Board of Directors for NCCAHT consists of coalition members from each of the four membership categories: Community and Faith Based, Direct Services, Government and Law Enforcement & Training and Education. The organizations below are represented on our board for the year 2021 and represent the larger directory of partners available to coalition members.
Faith based organizations
True Justice International fights human trafficking in its local and global communities through Christ-centered strategic initiatives with the goal to reach, raise up, and restore.
Friend to Friend's mission is to help survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking rebuild their lives.
NC Commission of Indian Affairs assists Indian communities in social/economic development & promotes the recognition of & the right of Indians to pursue cultural/religious traditions.
Training and Education
The NC Victim Assistance Network through advocacy, training & technical assistance, support the rights of homicide victims & others harmed by violent crimes.
Human Trafficking Now is a virtual global community for anti- human trafficking information and resources. It serves as a learning platform that delivers knowledge from anti-human trafficking experts to a massive audience who need it.
Justice U is a learning platform that delivers knowledge from anti-human trafficking experts to a massive audience who need it.
Government and Law Enforcement
The N.C. Council for Women & Youth Involvement's mission is to advise the Governor, the North Carolina legislature and state departments on the issues impacting women in North Carolina. Council for Women has existed in one form or another since 1963.
The North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts provides centralized administration and budgeting services for the state’s courts.
Direct Services
Legal Aid of North Carolina is a statewide, nonprofit law firm that provides free legal services in civil matters to low-income people in order to ensure equal access to justice and to remove legal barriers to economic opportunity.
In the pursuit of a community free of sexual violence, Our VOICE serves all individuals in Buncombe County affected by sexual assault and abuse, through counseling, advocacy, and education.
Cry Freedom Mission reach, rescue and restore human trafficking survivors in NC. Survivors make and sell jewelry and bath products at retail space on the organization's behalf.